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Tree of Life/ 10 Sefirot (Emanations)


Simply put, the Sefirot are described as emanations or channels of Divine Creative Life Force through which the 'unknowable' Divine essence is revealed to mankind. Facets of Source Energy, concentrated and offered with specific purpose.  Each Sefirah works with and leads to another. It is a Story and also a Map. And so are You.  There is an Archangel (ability/lesson) assigned to each Sefirah, and expresses the Journey of Man back to Godstate. On a more physical level, this represents the Balancing and Alignment of the Left/Right Brain to awaken the GodState. Source revealing itself, and being understood through the beholder that It is looking back into Itself.  


The Tree of Life speaks, soft like a breeze through the leaves of a tall Oak, and sometimes louder like a gust that sounds like a roaring ocean.  You have been listening to the Wind, haven't you? Hearing it's language and wanting to understand, understand the way the trees do, so massaged and loved by this Wind. The Tree of Life finds the windchimes of your heart and rings them gently, saying: 'You understand me already! But you hesitate to give me your voice! Why? The Trees let me speak through them, and it is this I am asking of you, Dear Walking Tree. May I sing through you? You have only to surrender to what is inside you, and let it Move, and I will lift it up and carry it where it is needed.  Without You I am Silent, heard, but not expressed Anew.  Without the Trees, how can one close their eyes and hear the message of the Wind? We work together, You and I, and I need you, Your Specific Branches, Your Voice, to harmonize my voice and catch the ears of others who feel the tickle of my Message. Do you understand, Dear Walking Tree? You are a Tree of Life!"


All Life expresses other Life, all Beings are expressing what is taken in and altered by beholding.  The Tree of Life comes to You becomes you have begun Mastering the Alignment of Left and Right Brain, begun the Unification to Central Sight and Harmonic Logic.  It's all Real, it's SURReal, and you know it! Source has lifted the blindfolds and Experience has validated and introduced Creator Logic.  Logic that supports the Infinite Possibility of Creation and Imagination.  Plugged into Creation and all it's Secret Language, but what to do with it?!  First, sit in awe and gratitude at your Multidimentional Plugging In.  This is for You, from You, To you and for You.  Rejoice! Then, Express!  Express this beautiful language and in doing so you will find your Divine Voice. You are a Channel for the Divine Wind, Dear Walking Tree!  You will find your participation in expressing the Divine Expression gratifying beyond comprehension, and will become a multidimensional experience in Itself!


Number: 10 - (Harmonic Voice)

Role: The Trees in the Wind

Awakening Mantra: Those With Ears, Let Them Hear



The Cosmic Turtle-


Swimming through dark, starry waters, the Great Cosmic Turtle approaches you.  The Bearer of Worlds, her message is vast and her gaze deep: "Come, for you have shown your Self worthy to bare (reveal, uncover) the Mysteries of Creation. I come with all that is needed to build Worlds swirling upon my shell.  Macro and micro, world upon world, I ask you to voyage with me through the Breath of Creation, and let me teach what I know, so that it also awakens inside You. You are Mother, Creator, Conductor, and Beholder. You are Uni-Verse, One Song, and this One Song is self-sustaining and shape-shifting, this 'One' is One inside One, inside One, inside One. Do you see? One is in fact Many. A Uni-verse contains Multi-verses, and you are both.  Come, and let me teach you what you have forgotten! 


Cosmic Turtle bears (patiently holds) the Power of World and the essence of Creation within her Being. In some myths, the World is atop her Shell and she is the Celestial Foundation, with all life growing from her back.  Many species of the turtle have 13 sections to the under side of their shells, symbolic of the cycle of the thirteen moons, as well as conveying energies of Mastering all 12 Initiations (think zodiac signs etc) to become Co-Creator with Source, thus wielding the energy of all previous Initiations. into Master Self, 13.  She is Mother, The Mover, The Great Supporter.  All life is possible here, and all life knows her Name. 


There is Master Creator Energy beckoning out from You, and Cosmic Turtle has answered. The energy of Lifegiver pulses through you, and the world is aware and beckons back.  This is a Sacred dance of Mother and Child, performed on every level of creation, and so every level of creation is aware of your energy and ability to HOLD life. On Earth this is the energy of Gaia, the Earth Mother, and we feel her heartbeat within our own.  Connect with this energy in your own way, and begin to explore your connection to the Elements of Creation, and your role as Bringer of Life and Conductor.  Express your Self artistically and externally to assist in targeting this energy.  


Number: 13  (Quantum Birther)

Role: Cosmic Mother

Awakening Mantra: Sacred Womb, Sing. 



Celtic Double Dragon Knot-


 This medallion is presented to you from your Highest Self Aspect, in full presence of your entire Spirit Crew, Angels and all of the Light in Creation, with Honor and Esteem.  The King is being Coronated! Long live the King!  As this medallion is placed upon your neck, it creates an energetic circuit from our Throat Chakra, the Sacred Temple of Truth and Expression, into your Heart Space - a Bridge of Golden Light provided by the Guardian of Flight, a Dragon with no end, but two Beginnings instead!   Achievement both forwards and backwards has awakened Quantum Sensory! 


 Clearing a Past that is More than your Own, paving a Future with Fruit that's Self Grown, all has awakened the Dragon DNA within, ascending atoms to new heights; let the games begin!  Self-Advancement is possible now, with Quantum Keys in your hand, and on your head the Quantum Crown. Call on your mighty Dragon Guardian held in Expression and Heart, he will assist you in knowing where to start.  Mind over Matter, Matter over Mind, what is it you wish to find? Sacred Sight and Synesthesia, that which is perceived changing shape and height, gives way to Quantum Expression! Spread your wings it's time for Flight! 


Number: 7 (Quantum Truther)

Role: Quantum Magician

Awakening Mantra: Let the Games Begin. 


If 2 and 3 Call to you, it's time for you to learn about the Chinese Turtle Dragon! Yes, it's a thing! 


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