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Soul Signature channeled artwork & reading

Excuse me while I quote My Self...


"What I do is Open psychically and receive your energy's Signature.  It is kind of like I 'download' your colors, soundtrack and Memory Reel by scanning your Akashic Records, connecting with my Guides and yours, Source, Ascended Masters, Star Family, Angels and Other Realms... It's more like they connect with me really!  Together we provide you a visual and written Map of Your Soul and anything you may need to be aware of. These are energies around you that you may not see or taste, or that you may be aware of and are awaiting a message for clarity.  I provide My Self as an Open Conduit to these Divine energies within and around you  and channel the imagery of the messages I receive, then translate the Artwork into a very detailed Reading that will re-familiarize you with your Soul Signature. "

The Artwork


The Artwork is a channeled artistic representation of your Soul Signature, is always unique to you, and comes directly from Source, your Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, Star Family, and Animal Allies.  These guides utilize my knowledge banks to bring forth messages through symbols, pictures, numbers, Star Codes and Light Language, etc., to paint a map of a person's Soul Signature and Soul Path.


The Artwork contains Visual Activations that work within your Psyche and DNA to assist your progress and direction along your Path. Some things that have come through are Star Lineage, Soul Ancestral Lineage, Past Lives, Future Callings, Animal Allies, Tools to work with, Transitioned Loved Ones, etc.


The Reading 


The Reading will go through the Artwork's symbols as I received them, translating the imagery and explaining it's language into an understandable 'Map' of Your Energy. This will include any messages from your Spirit Family, Angels, Ascended Masters, Source, etc. that I receive along the way.  It is always long and super detailed, because I can't help it.  : ) I include all research that I gathered along the way that validates the messages received or that may assist you along your Path. 

Energy Exchange:  
Medium- $77      Large- $111


This is a long, loving and thorough process, taking place on this Plane and in Spirit, that does not happen overnight.  My projection for completion is always 3-4 weeks.  I work on the Artwork over several days as the messages form and come through, and then when it's complete, I digitally remaster it that way Spirit wants it to look.


 The Reading itself also takes much time, research and psychic stamina to connect all the Spirit Dots to paint the Map, and I also have clients for other services, and a family.  please be understanding.  I always notify my clients if there will be a delay of any kind,  and I have never had any complaints.  In fact, it is often my clients who remind me that 'Spirit sets the Timetable'.  🙂  I absolutely love providing these Readings and Artworks to my clients! 

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