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What is quantum energy ?

Quantum Energy Attunements


Animal Guide Quantum Infusion $25


I will connect with an Animal Guide that wants to assist you, such as a Power Animal, Soul Companion or Guardian. I will explain their energies, then, using personal Shamanic techniques I wil Harmonically Link the Animal to a specific energy center.  Powerful!


Quantum Chakra Enrichment/Attunement $28


I will connect with your energy and call upon your High Self Aspects and Guides to create a Concentrated Frequency for a specific Chakra, for the purpose of Enrichment & Attunement that will maximize Energetic Flow.


Available Live or Recorded.



Quantum Dragon Breath Kindling $33


I will connect with the Master and/or Personal Dragon energies around you, and draw a Master Dragon Card, facilitating a Kindling (Activation) with the Gift of Dragon's Breath to activate or amplify the flow of Dragon energy to your Energy Fields. This teaches you a Powerful Dragon Technique as well as Harmonizes and Energizes your Energy System and Signal for your current/next Energy Cycle.


Available Live or Recorded.



Harmonic Rainbow Attunement $65


I will call in your Master Guides and Spirit Team and then read your Energetic Schematic (Physical, Mental, Emotion, Spirit Bodies), and check for any Attunements that Spirit would like you to have.  This propegates a Harmonic Unity between your Energy Bodies, Gaia's Energies, and The Cosmic Energies, depending on need. I am gifted the Rainbow Flame, which contains all Rays, and with the Ascended Masters and your personal Guides, I use this energy to create the Harmonic Flow, which happens in many fun, colorful ways! 🌈


Available Live or Recorded.


Simply Put:

Quantum energy is packets of light! 

From quantus, latin (quantity).  In physics, quantum refers to discrete natural units, or packets, of energy, charge, angular momentum, or other physical property. Light, for example, appearing in some respects as a continuous electromagnetic wave, on the submicroscopic level is emitted and absorbed in discrete amounts, or quanta; and for light of a given wavelength, the magnitude of all the quanta emitted or absorbed is the same in both energy and momentum. These particle-like packets of light are called photons, a term also applicable to quanta of other forms of electromagnetic energy such as X rays and gamma rays. Submicroscopic mechanical vibrations in the layers of atoms comprising crystals also give up or take on energy and momentum in quanta.



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