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When you schedule a 1:1 Consultation with me, you really are scheduling time with the Highest aspects of your Self, your Guides, Elementals and Angels!  You are Holding Space for these aspects to come together, awaken and emerge, coming through my Self as the channel and in a clear, concise way that will Move your energy into a higher Light Quotient and further awaken your Spirit. 


Consultations are a fun, 'anything-goes' approach to bringing in the Divine energy and signatures you are feeling around you and seeking. I use cards, channeled writing and drawing, mediumship and often small Quantum Harmonic Attunements when your Guides request it. We can target specific areas or Open for Spirit to bring an In-Depth look at your Soul Signature and where you are at this time, as well as where you have been or are going. We can connect further with Spirit Guides or Animal Guides, work on specific techniques, etc.  Possibilities are endless! 

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