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Oracle Readings  


Detailed Readings - general energies or specific questions- with thorough explanations and descriptions of energies around you. 


We will call in Source, your High Self, and invite your Guides to assist in providing messages that Spirit has for you, given in a clear way, so that you can be confidently aware of the energies around you. 

 General: Written/Recorded

3 Card - $15


5 Card - $20

Check my facebook page for live events, specials, and chances for free services. 


Special Spreads: Written/Recorded/Live


Shapeshifters Animal Chakra Spread (Animal Guides and chakra association, 7 cards, 1hr.)- $66


Shapeshifters Changelings Journey Spread (Soul Journey, 11 cards, 2 hrs.)- $111


Shapeshifters Find Your Familiar Spread (5 Animal Guides and what they represent, 5 cards, 1 hr.) - $55


Shapeshifters Celtic Cross Spread (Elemental Energy Scan, 5 cards, 1 hr.) - $55


*Dream Oracle Problem Solver Spread (Simple, Archetypal guidance, 6 cards, 45 min.) - $44


*Wisdom of Avalon Invocation Spread (Guided Journey, 8 cards, 1.5 hrs.) - $88


GaiaStar Codex OmniBeing Spread (Multidimensional Self Portrait, 3 cards, 30 min.) - $33


*GaiaStar Codex Relationship Balancer Spread (Call on Tribal Guides to assist in Balancing a Relationship, 4 cards, 45 min.) -$44


GaiaStar Codex Players Spread (Relationships Scan, 3 cards, 30 min.) - $33


GaiaStar Codex Power Play Spread (Identify emerging Powers and how to use them, 3 cards, 45 min.) - $33


GaiaStar Codex Animator Spread (Identify energies needed to manifest desired change, 6 cards, 1 hr. 15 min.) -$55


GaiaStar Codex Tribal Counsel Spread (Consultation, 4 cards, 45 min.) $44


GaiaStar Codex Codon Conversation (Channeled Q&A with Spirit using the GaiaStar Codex, unlimited cards) - $33/30 minutes


* Indicates Spread is designed by me. :) 

I can also design a spread specific to your needs if not seen here. 🕊️


These readings can be written and provided via email in a detailed, clear format (with photos) to refer back to, or done via messenger chat or video chat. The written format allows me time to really sit with and explore and describe the energies thoroughly, while video is more on the fly. It's up to you and Spirit!


Message me with any questions, and to schedule! :) 


Also check my reviews! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


I look forward to working with you! 💗💠💗




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