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'The Crystalline Medusozoa' 2016

Masters of Flow


Did you know that Jellyfish are the only creatures that rely completely on environmental influence to survive? They have almost no ability to move on their own, depending instead on oceans currents and wind direction to move their soft bodies the way that they must go. Thought Seed: Does the jellyfish want to go the way it goes? Does it resist? Trust?



Jellyfish offers powerful Medicine


















     Jellyfish first appeared about 650 million years ago, outdating dinosaurs and even sharks, and are found in every ocean and, some species, in freshwater. This means they carry cellular memories from Eons past, and offer Medicine not only for purging emotional trauma in this life, but also in your past lives and the past of your Ancestors, which you carry within your blood and cell memories.

Sensitivity to water energy (emotions), and understanding the value of going with the flow are offered by Jellyfish, as well as balance, and releasing resistance and inertia.

Proper use of softness is shown to us, providing a valuable baseline in the Flexible vs. Rigid spectrum, which gives the ability to discern how and when to untangle from the webs of worry and peril in life, instead supplementing that space with acceptance, calm, and faith.


     The unique regeneration process of the mature Immortal jellyfish is quite unique. When it is injured or starving, it will attach itself to a surface in warm waters, and it turns into a living blob. From this blob state, its cells undergo a process called Transdifferentiation. This is its ability to, when in crisis, revert its cells to their earliest form and grow anew. That means that these tiny creatures potentially have infinite lives. Call on Jellyfish’s Power of Regeneration for healing on a cellular level.


     Jellyfish carry the paradox of vulnerability and toxicity. We see this often in nature: those who are vulnerable have a built in defense system. Jellyfish have special cells along their tentacles called cnidocytes. Within these cells are harpoon-like structures full of venom, called nematocysts. The nematocysts shoot out when triggered by touch, and can penetrate human skin in less time than it takes you to blink.  This is symbolic of being aware of if we are using our defenses offensively, attacking without warrant simply due to another's presence or innocent touch (physical, emotional or mental), leaving toxicity in another being, which causes damage to their energy bodies. Know that hidden or blatant hostility and aggression will never serve you well, and wielding toxicity as a willful weapon will harm you more so than others. If this resonates with you, Jellyfish may be asking you to seek cleansing and balance in your aggression, and make peace with yourself and others.



Jellyfish as an Animal Totem
















     Animal Totems represent specific, living Energy Signatures of the Animal Kingdom that we, as energy conduits, are able to commune with and tap into, accessing vast amounts of Spirit Medicine to integrate into our energy bodies and Spirit. If you are familiar with Plato’s Perfect Horse concept, the ‘Living’ part of the energy that you commune with is similar to that, it is the High, Perfect essence of that animal. This is an interactive energy, from which a intimate, surreal relationship can develop.


     People have a dominant Totem (Animal Energy Signature similar to our own signature), acting as a mirror of who we are and can be, based on our most innate, primal, simplified Self. This provides us with a schematic of built-in needs and attributes, characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses in the spectrum of our makeup and capabilities.


     Also, throughout our lives, as our energies shift this way and that, the Multiverse provides us with additional Animal allies, whose attributes we may be in need of at that specific time.  We can call on and attempt to commune with any animal totem we wish (Some must be approached a certain way, and rejection is a possibility if we aren’t ready or in need of their Medicine), but the Signatures we need always come to us at the right time if we choose to see the signs.


     If Jellyfish is your dominant Totem, you know how to use your power of intention and are unafraid to allow the Multiverse to show the way. You follow your instincts easily and quietly, and it’s natural for you to go with the flow.  You easily and perhaps unknowingly call on ancestral memories to assist in discernment and seeing the bigger picture. You have a great deal of ability to take everything in stride. You enjoy keeping things simple and are unafraid to explore your emotions, understanding the power of Acknowledging and Releasing that which no longer serves you. You have the ability to tackle difficult challenges easily, with the proper tactics, and with a minimum of fuss and stress. You are organized, and always come from a place of acceptance and faith.


     Jellyfish may begin to come to you if you are currently coming from an inverted, exhausted, or damaged energy space.  Patience may be an issue Jellyfish is working on with you in this life, as well as suppression, agitation, and lashing out. Commune with Jellfyfish, merge with its energy, and accept with humility and gratitude the tremendous offerings presented to you through this powerful Medicine. Jellyfish will assist you in clearing out deeply-embedded lower frequencies, enabling you to float lighter and easier, with more ability to go where the current takes you with ease and trust.



Jellyfish swimming through your Dreams














     Jellyfish translates as Medusa (plural medusae, scientific name Medusozoa) in Greek, Portuguese, Hebrew, Croatian, Spanish, French, Italian, Slovak, Russian and many others. In the myth of Medusa, she is a once-fair priestess, seduced by Posideon, and to Medusa’s horror, a bitter Athena turns her into a hideous caricature of her former self, and she wanders, stewing and growing more sour, until eventually she becomes the legend whose gaze turns anyone into stone.


     To see a Jellyfish in your dream symbolizes the surfacing and healing of painful memories. It is recognition that you are now ready to deal with these aspects of yourself and move on through forgiveness and love.  Seek the Light and acknowledge the Shadow in each memory, and focus on what Lessons were offered to you by Source in these memories. The experiences are all invaluable to you; tools, armament, Initiations and Annointings.



Keepers of Spiritual Knowledge












     Jellyfish hold within their genetic code perseverance, longevity, and calm, knowing and trusting that All That Is will provide what is necessary for them to survive.  As they move in harmony with the currents of life, they show to us how to flow with the natural forces of Mother Earth. Many Shamans and Healers believe that the tapestry of true spiritual knowledge is held within the transparent and flowing form of the jellyfish.


















“I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine! And he shall be my Squishy!”   – Dori, Finding Nemo


 'See Nettle The Elder' 2016 


'Crowning the Currents' 2016


'Afterthought' 2016


'Meeting In The Mirror' 2016'


''Assistance' 2016

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