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     Nuit is the Egyptian Goddess of the Stars.



     Nuit is the daughter of the Air god, Shu, and the Water Goddess, Tefnut. Her name means “Night”, for she rules the Dark Hours.


     Nuit is associated with the Air element, Rainbows and Sycamore trees. As Mother Night, Nuit represents the Unconscious, The Moon, The Divine Feminine, and the Emotional Energy Body. Her glyph often depicts two crossed arrows against a leopard skin.  Lapis Lazuli, a dark blue stone often found with flecks of bright pyrite, is used to honor Nuit and invoke her protection, and is considered ‘The Cloak of Nuit’.


     With her husband, Geb, Nuit is the mother of Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys. She is a mighty and powerful Goddess and honored today as the nurturing mother of life on Earth.

She is often depicted arched over her husband, Geb, the God of the Earth, protecting and nurturing him and all life. Her hands and feet are the cardinal directions, and she is often depicted in dark blue robes with bright stars.


     As in life, during the day Nuit and Geb are separated as the Sun god is moving thru the sky.  At night, after swallowing the Sun, Nuit comes again to Geb as She again rules the sky. Her Cloak of Stars is visible showing her children she is watching over them.


The Goddess Nuit is the Lady of the Sky swallowing the sun at evening time, and giving birth to it again in each morning, symbolizing eternal life and eternal hope. She is the Ruler of the Sky and the stars above.


     Honor Nuit and her role as the Goddess of the Sky, and Protector and Mother of life on Earth. Use this mandala to invoke Nuit's powers of Protection, Guidance, and Endurance.


Starry Love,


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