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Reading excerpt:


"I'm so excited with the 'discovery' of this Master Dragon!  And she tends to You!   She first appeared to me when I took preliminary notes on my first impressions.  I saw her curled up, but only saw her head resting on her back like a Deer, the rest was fuzzy.   But that was a start!  I began drawing her I saw her colors, a shimmery, opalescent, fish-like scaly skin in Pink.  After the shape of Her body She showed me her wings, except the pearl tips. I had to learn how to draw enveloping wings, a first for me! And I literally had the tips open because something was there, but what?  


So, I tuned more into her colors, the feel of her smooth skin, much like a fish or snake.  I started seeing abalone, that beautiful material inside some shells, but the colors weren't quiet right.  We were getting there though.  Ocean, water, sea....then the abalone shifted to what Rang like a very LOUD bell, a PEARL!  Suddenly I knew what went on the tips of her wings, and then I found myself drawing One very Large Pearl nestled and snuggled in with her, and it all made sense. 


 Mother of Pearl.  This is her Name!  Mother of Pearl, Master Dragon of Pure Wisdom from the Depths.  Her words. Your Guardian Dragon. I received that name before any of the below research, so I am kinda amazed!


Pearls are symbolic of Wisdom through experience. A Pearl is considered a Work of Art, and that can also be said of Wisdom.  "All art is autobiographical. The pearl is the oyster's autobiography."— Federico Fellini.  Wisdom gained through experience is definitely autobiographical.  It's an amazing connection.  Pearls are also believed to attract wealth and luck as well as offer protection, and so does Wisdom! Known for their calming effect, pearls can balance one's karma, strengthen relationships, and keep children safe. The pearl is also said to symbolize the purity, generosity, faith, charity, integrity, focus, and loyalty of its wearer.  The Pearl is associated with the 3rd Eye chakra, as well as June, Gemini and Cancer, and the Moon. 


Pearls have played a part in many myths as well. From : 


Many myths and folktales surround this ancient gemstone of the sea.

* Early Chinese civilization considered black pearls a symbol of wisdom and believed they were formed within a dragon's head. Once full-grown, the pearls were carried between the dragon's teeth. According to this myth, one had to slay the dragon to gather the pearls. The ancient Japanese believed that pearls were created from the tears of mythical creatures, such as mermaids, nymphs, and angels.

* One Persian legend tells that pearls were created when a rainbow met the earth after a storm. Imperfections in a pearl's appearance were thought to be the result of thunder and lightning.

* The ancient Egyptians prized pearls so much that they were buried with them. Cleopatra reportedly dissolved a pearl from one of her earrings in a glass of either wine or vinegar, depending on the source, and drank it. She did this just to show Mark Anthony that she could devour the wealth of an entire nation in just one gulp.


Ancient Greek legend thought that pearls were the tears of the gods. They also believed that wearing pearls would prevent women from crying on their wedding day.

Hindu folklore speaks of pearls as dewdrops that fell out of the night, into the moonlit sea. One of the earliest accounts of pearls and weddings comes from the Hindu story of Krishna (or Vishnu), who plucked the first pearl from the depths of the ocean and gave it to his daughter Pandaia on her wedding day as a symbol of love, union, and purity. There are claims that Adam and Eve wept after they were cast out of Paradise, creating a lake of pearls. The white pearls were believed to be from Eve's tears, and the black pearls Adam's. It is further said that men are better able to control their emotions, and so Adam shed fewer tears than Eve. This explains the rarity of the black pearl. Other religious references to pearls include:

* Christians and Hindus adopted the pearl as a symbol of purity. The tradition of a bride wearing pearls on her wedding day continues to this day.

* By the Middle Ages, pearls were considered sacred Christian objects due to their association with religious purity. Early Christians said the pearls covering the Holy Grail made its water pure.

* The Koran speaks of pearls as one of the great rewards found in Paradise, and the gem itself has become a symbol of perfection.


So there is also a deep lunar connection, a dripping of the moon into the waters. Emotion, lessons learned, wisdom through experience. Pearls even have different meanings based on the color, which can also be found on the above website. I saw white/pink pearls, so that means innocence, beauty, purity, clarity.  Its a type of clear energetically. As well as love, stability, nurturing and well wishing.  It shimmers and offers, and it's probably part of that pastel energy I've always seen around you.  In fact, She just told me, Pastel means Past El, like Past Angel or Past Light. Beautiful!   


Notice She has an almost fin-like mane down her back to her tail, and yet also wings as well as horns. Taurus energy? They are similar to the hummingbirds beak, and pearl-tipped.  So we have Water, Earth and Air energies here. She is resting and content, much like the Otter can behave, and yet clearly has a great duty, which She is completely at ease with.  Her wings shelter Her Self and Her "Key" as She calls it, the Pearl. She has Pear-tipped wings, conveying Master Flight and Alignment with her Heart. I see You in her, and I even see my Self in Her, so truly a Master Dragon She is, to be "Inside" all of us in this way, much like a Sacred Mother. And I JUST realized, oh my gosh! Her wings are open and shaped almost like an Oyster or Clamshell!! Wow!  She says she carries the 333 Master Code, and showed me Her breath rhythm as 3, as in 3 seconds inhale, 3 seconds hold, 3 seconds out, and that pace being her "Heart Rate", which is interestingly nice and slow, like Resting, which she is doing! I also notice that there are a total of 11 Pearls pictured. 


"Entering into the 333 Master Breath will assist you in reaching your Master Energies of Wisdom gained through experience, and the Natural Optimum energies of your Highest Self Aspect," She says.  "It will assist you to reach Me, This High Self Aspect and Master, Mother, of Pearls like your Self."  She shows a ball of glowing shimmering light around you and says, "Practice remembering Pearl techniques. Pearl Shells are natural to you". And She says Shell in place of the word Shield because it is for protection, but more for Centering your own energy fields.  "Curl up with Me, and let us Talk, and I will show you much Wisdom inside you, Pearls of your own, shimmering with new light not yet seen. Let us Raise them from the Depths together."  How beautiful! 


She is Guardian and your Highest Self Aspect, Master Dragon and as such inside us all, a direct link for you to connect with all of Creation. Profound!  Begin Communion with her and bring hers, and your, knowledge and wisdom into the World. 🙂"

Love, VK

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